Log Entries of Letters for October, 1937


Oct 1st

To A.G. to Jenny: both about Charles. Nelson about a permission, Heinemann receipt, pension to Bank

Oct 2nd.

To Roz.

Oct 3

Oct 4.

To Jenny, A.G.: about Charles.[RG] not posted
To Len, Norman, Jennifer, Maisie, Margaret, Bank with French draft, Watt with contract, Anita at Rennes.

Oct 5

To Peggy Graves; to A.G. informing; to Haas about Belisarius & Lives of Wives & poems; to Tweedsmuir about Pilgrim Trust1.

Oct 6.

Draft to Bank: paid Dulan. Antigua's to Zoltan, Vincent, Biro.

Oct 7

Oct 8.

Oct 12

Jenny: A.G. again.

Oct 14.

Catherine: Roz: Watt (payment for engraving): OK to Pinker: Gwendolen Murphy about anthology2 rights.

Oct 15

Oct 18

G. Murphy again.

Oct 21

Oct 22

Oct 24

Oct 25

Oct 26

Barker. Westminster Bank with cheque.

Oct 27

To Robt Haas about contracts.

Editorial Notes

1A commonwealth grant founded in 1930 by philanthropist Edward Harkness eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Rennes

    Rennes, France
    where Gelat's daughter, Anita, and son-in-law, Juan Vives live; visited by RG and LR et al in 1938 eds.

People Mentioned

  • A.G. (A.E.S.G)

    Graves, Amy
    Amy Graves, RG's Mother. WG
  • Jenny

    Nicholson, Jenny
    Jenny Nicholson: oldest daughter of Robert by Nancy Nicholson.
  • Charles

    Graves, Charles Patrick Ranke
    RG's brother with whom he did not get on. WG Estranged from RG in 1937 over Jenny Nicholson's crisis. See RPG p.281 CP
  • Peggy Graves

    Graves, Peggy
    Married to Charles Graves, R.G.'s brother. Both provided support to Robert's daughter Jenny while she was performing in London. (RPG 249, 265) eds.
  • John Lucy

    Lucy, John
    Estranged husband of Mary Lucy; RG and LR are drawn into their marital problems. eds.
  • John Buchan, or, Tweedsmuir

    Buchan, John
    (1875-1940) The writer. Appointed Governor General of Canada. W.G.; Baron Tweedsmuir. eds.
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Maisie

    Sommerville, Maisie
    Head of BBC Education broadcasting department. Friend of R.G. and L.R. Arranged accomodation for them when they returned to London as exiles. W.G., eds.
  • Margaret

    Russell, Margaret
    House-keeper L.R. & R.G. had had in London. WG
  • David

    Graves, David
    R.G.'s second child [by Nancy Nicholson]. W.G. In RAF; killed in the war. The only one of Graves' children who might have become a poet had he lived. K.G., eds.
  • Len

    Lye, Len
    New Zealand painter, sculptor, and filmmaker whom LR & RG had met in London. He helped with the Seizin Press publications. WG; married to Jane Lye, son Bix. eds.
  • Ros

    Cooper, Rosaleen Dr.
    Dr. Rosaleen Cooper, R.G.'s sister. W.G.; husband Jim, sons Dan, Roger & Paul RPG.
  • McCormacks

    McCormack, Walter & Violet
    Tenants of Ca'n Torrent. Had two daughters: Jennifer, a dancer, & Betty. Continued their friendship with Robert and Laura in England. eds.
  • Anita

    Ana, Anita
    Marroig. Gelat's daughter, married to Juan Vives the Doctor's brother. Live in Rennes, France. WG
  • Dulan

    Dealer in antique engravings, books. London? WG
  • Zoltan

    Korda, Zoltan
    Alexander Korda's brother eds.
  • Vincent

    Korda, Vincent
    Alexander Korda's brother KG
  • Biro

    Biró, Lajos
    (1883-1948) a journalist and political secretary in Budapest, Biró wrote screenplays for Alexander Korda, including the ill-fated Claudius script eds.
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • Green-Armitage

    Green-Armytage, Dr.
    Jenny Nicholson's doctor at Belleville hospital eds.
  • Catherine

    Nicholson, Catherine
    Catherine Nicholson: (1922- ) third of four children of Robert Graves and Nancy Nicholson. eds.
  • Pinker

    R.G. & L.R.'s agent in London. W.G. They later changed to A.S. Watt. eds.
  • Gwendolen Murphy

    Murphy, Gwendolen
    editor of The Modern Poet anthology (1938) eds.
  • E. Altounyan

    Altounyan, E.
    (1889-1962) surgeon eds.; friend of T.E. Lawrence? KG
  • Dr. Barber

    Barber, Dr.
    RG and family's doctor; treated Jenny Nicholson in 1937 eds.
  • Swartz

    Schwarz, Georg
    German Jew. Deyá neighbour. Antique dealer. Lived with Frau Emmy Strenge, his house keeper, in Can Caballo some hundred yards from Canellun. RG and LR translated his "Almost Forgotten Germany." WG

Organizations Mentioned

  • Walter Heinemann Ltd.

    publisher eds.
  • Westminster Bank

  • A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd.

    Watt, A.S.
    RG's literary agent: first mentioned in November, 1935; team includes: Alexander Strahan Watt, and W.P. Watt et al, who may have handled different aspects of Graves' extensive European publishing and distribution. The firm replaced Eric Pinker. K.G. When did Pinker go, and why? KG
  • Harrison Smith and Robert Haas

    R.G.'s American publisher for I, Claudius and Claudius the God. eds.
  • Scottish Provident Insurance Co.

    Scottish Provident Insurance Co.
    Life Insurance and Healthcare organization in U.K. eds.
  • Arthur Barker Ltd.

    Barker, Arthur
    The English publisher of I, Claudius and Claudius the God. WG
  • Editors

    Editors of the Graves Diary Project.


    • Title: Count Belisarius [1938]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London
    • Publisher: Cassell
    • Idno: A47
    • Date: 1937-07-21
    • Title: Daily Telegraph
    • PubPlace: London
    • Date: 1856-1936
    • Title: Lives of Wives [prose]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell and Co. Ltd.
    • Idno: A39
    • Date: 1939
    • Title: Antigua Penny Puce
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: A46
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: Modern Poet, The [anthology]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Editor: Murphy, Gwendolen
    • PubPlace: London
    • Publisher: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd.
    • BiblScope: poems 78-84, notes 182-3
    • Idno: B27
    • Date: 1938