Ap 11 Tuesday

Sent off advance luggage to Havre for America & luggage for storage in England – Revaudet's camion1. Walked about in the sun with McCormacks who left after lunch. We gave them a petrol lamp.[RG]
Dent contract signed today.2
Léonie better – she will go to Anita's.
Evening light on cherry tree.

Editorial Notes

1truck eds.
2for the Dictionary? eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Havre

    Le Havre, France

People Mentioned

  • Leonie

    servant at La Chevrie eds.
  • Anita

    Ana, Anita
    Marroig. Gelat's daughter, married to Juan Vives the Doctor's brother. Live in Rennes, France. WG
  • McCormacks

    McCormack, Walter & Violet
    Tenants of Ca'n Torrent. Had two daughters: Jennifer, a dancer, & Betty. Continued their friendship with Robert and Laura in England. eds.

Organizations Mentioned

  • J.M. Dent & Sons

    Dent, J.M.
    Publishing house founded in 1888 and absorbed by Nicholson in 1988 eds.


    • Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • Date: 1935