Dec 29 Thursday

Got up for early lunch & went to Rennes in Priour's car with Beryl & Dorothy. Got out £60 in francs (at 1771) and had coffee with Anita. Then had one tooth stopped (painless) & another (the dead one) drawn – almost painless by a sweet little dentist with curly beard & side whiskers who lives above Anita. Anita stayed with me during.
Beryl, Alan & Dorothy paid for a copper brazier I found (150 fr [francs]): for my Christmas present. Bellows bought
Got a porcelain nib (with which this is written) with a fluted point. Anita & Miguel gave us a bottle of Ron Escarchado2.[RG]
Two bad skids on the road & one near-accident with a bus.
Margaret has a job, at 100 Gloucester Place3.
To bed early on return.
Marie working again.

Editorial Notes

1exchange rate eds.
2burned rum KG
3Westminster, London eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Rennes

    Rennes, France
    where Gelat's daughter, Anita, and son-in-law, Juan Vives live; visited by RG and LR et al in 1938 eds.

People Mentioned

  • Alan

    Hodge, Alan
    Oxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG
  • Dorothy

    Simmons, Dorothy
    Sculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds
  • Beryl

    Pritchard, Beryl
    daughter of Harry and Amy Pritchard, R.G.'s second wife. Formerly married to Alan Hodge. Robert and Beryl had four children: William, Lucia, Juan and Tomas. eds
  • Marie

    servant at La Chevrie eds.
  • Priour

    Priour, Monsieur
    a character associated with activities around La Chevrie: apparently he was proprietor of the local café (diary Nov. 26, 1938). eds.
  • Anita

    Ana, Anita
    Marroig. Gelat's daughter, married to Juan Vives the Doctor's brother. Live in Rennes, France. WG
  • Miguel Ripoll

    Ripoll, Miguel
    Juan Vives' business partner from Deyá; married to Francisca née Mayol eds.
  • Margaret

    Russell, Margaret
    House-keeper L.R. & R.G. had had in London. WG