Dec 6 Tuesday
Laura not feeling well: had hardly any lunch.
We[RG] I went to Montfort with Alan, Dorothy, Leonie, Marie, by car, for the St Nicholas1 fair and bought toys for Christmas and a few household things – also a box-wood butter-spoon
& ten soldiers and a cake with
Vive St Nicholas
on it. Saw a bantam hen, roundabouts, and two ballad-stalls at one of which a man wearing
horns sang about cuckold.[RG]
Editorial Notes
1i.e. Christmas eds.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
Monfort, Brittany, France
People Mentioned
Hodge, AlanOxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Simmons, DorothySculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds -
Léonieservant at La Chevrie eds. -
Marieservant at La Chevrie eds.
- Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
- Author: Riding, Laura
- Date: 1935
- Title: The Swiss Ghost [formerly The Kind Ghost] [novel]
- Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
- Date: 1937-04-22