Sunday June 26th

Leonard & Margaret to lunch. Leonard in sailor costume & vernacular. We[RG] He & I[RG] played battles with paper darts & I taught him a paper folding trick I re-[RG]learned yesterday at Sam's school from a Col [Colonel] Wimperis.
Tea at Dorothy Hutchinson's where Wanda's shriekings got on my nerves.[RG]
To the Pearsons at 7A Ellerdale Road N.W. [North Way]31 to supper, where we met Ronald & Frances McCall, Montreal people, whom we found very good & who came around after & talked till [until] nearly 2 o'clock.
A new word arose 'Gradek' (from a German psychologist2 she believed in – or thought she still did) for something that nice people think nice from old[RG] old[RG] generous[RG] ignorance that really isn't.

Editorial Notes

1Camden eds.
2see Diary entry 11 July 1938 KG

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

People Mentioned

  • Margaret

    Russell, Margaret
    House-keeper L.R. & R.G. had had in London. WG
  • Sam

    Graves, Samuel
    R.G.'s youngest child by Nancy Nicholson. C.P.& WG
  • Leonard

    Russell, Leonard
    son of Graves' housekeeper Margaret Russell KG
  • Dorothy

    Hutchinson, Dorothy
    Ward Hutchinson's wife. WG
  • Wanda

    Hutchinson, Wanda
    daughter of Ward and Dorothy Hutchinson, born June 1937 eds.
  • Mike Pearson

    Pearson, Lester
    (1897-1972) Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom; m. to Maryon Pearson (née Moody). Later became Prime Minister of Canada. eds.
  • Ronnie & Frances McCall

    McCall, Ronald & Frances
    friends from Montréal of Canadian High Commissioner Mike Pearson who also visited RG and LR in France eds.


    • Title: Smuggler Scenario [projected screenplay for a Korda film RPG]
    • Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
    • Date: 1937-08-26