Jan 26 Tuesday.

Catherine has flu.[RG]
Making inventories, letters, tidying.
Laura bought trunks & tickets. I bought pair Georgian serving spoons 1746 for 25/-
Glendinning to sherry & goodbye.
Norman to kid[RG] steak & kidney pie supper.
Rich & Corvan through Watt offered me £2000 in 1941 for a book "In the steps of Hannibal". I said I didn't go in anyone's steps – H.V.Morton's, Christ's or anyone's.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Catherine

    Nicholson, Catherine
    Catherine Nicholson: (1922- ) third of four children of Robert Graves and Nancy Nicholson. eds.
  • Glendenning

    ? with News Chronicle. WG Constable's (the publisher's) lawyer. KG
  • H.V. Morton

    Morton, H.V.
    (1892-1979), British travel writer and journalist eds.

Organizations Mentioned

  • A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd.

    Watt, A.S.
    RG's literary agent: first mentioned in November, 1935; team includes: Alexander Strahan Watt, and W.P. Watt et al, who may have handled different aspects of Graves' extensive European publishing and distribution. The firm replaced Eric Pinker. K.G. When did Pinker go, and why? KG