Jan 2 1937

Laura worked till 4.30: some 16,000 words now.
Mary a bit better.
I started a throat and kept sucking things. Sherrick [RG]
Mary & James to lunch at Canuto's.
* Laura finished scenario at 4.30. The car fetched it at 4.45.
I went to Belleville as usual, with Russian salad & clotted cream.
Went to bed while Karl Maisie & Laura went to Green Pastures1. Sherrick rang up: would send flowers. Peggy would like to know ×××× [indecipherable] about Jenny [RG]. I said: "refer her to me."
Read a bad novel by Day Lewis, alias Nicholas Blake. Thou Shell of Death.2

Editorial Notes

1 "The Green Pastures", directed by Marc Connelly 1936 eds.
2Cyril "C." Day Lewis a.k.a. Nicholas Blake Thou Shell of Death. New York & London: Harper & Bros., 1936; "a Nigel Strangeways mystery" eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Belleville

    London, England
    a private nursing home where Jenny Nicholson convalesced in late 1936/ early 1937 RPG 264
  • Canuto's

    Baker Street, London, England
    a restaurant eds.

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Jenny

    Nicholson, Jenny
    Jenny Nicholson: oldest daughter of Robert by Nancy Nicholson.
  • Mary

    Hale, Mary
    Welsh maid at Nottingham Place, sister Violet eds.; later, maid for RG and LR at Dorset St. "Laura pinched [her] from Kitty West" eds. KG
  • Sherrick

    R.G.'s daughter Jenny's manager (RPG 263); same as Shellick? associated with Dorchester Hotel eds.
  • Mary

    Reeves, Mary
    wife of James Reeves; daughter Stella born 14 June, 1938 eds.
  • James

    Reeves, James
    Schoolmaster, writer and Poet. Friend of Jacob Bronowski. W.G./ K.G.; m. to Mary Phillips; daughter Stella born June 14, 1938 eds.
  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.
  • Maisie

    Sommerville, Maisie
    Head of BBC Education broadcasting department. Friend of R.G. and L.R. Arranged accomodation for them when they returned to London as exiles. W.G., eds.
  • Peggy Graves

    Graves, Peggy
    Married to Charles Graves, R.G.'s brother. Both provided support to Robert's daughter Jenny while she was performing in London. (RPG 249, 265) eds.
  • Day Lewis a.k.a. Nicholas Blake

    Day Lewis, C.
    Cecil Day-Lewis, [pseud. Nicholas Blake] (1904-1972), poet and novelist eds.


    • Title: Refugee Scenario [working title of a screenplay for Korda]
    • Author: Graves Robert/ Riding, Laura
    • Date: 1936-11