Jan 12 Tuesday.

Played about with a poem The Exile but little progress.
Laura very weak but got up.
Jenny to move to West London today.
Bought for 4[RG]4/- necklace of old chinese coloured glass beads, red, yellow, green, blue, white.
Started work again on bookstall version of Claudius.
Cape's terms from Watt. Not generous. Left it to him to go elsewhere & do better.
Took Jenny to West London, stopping at Harrods on way to buy her more nightdresses.
Karl brought travel literature from Cooks.1

Editorial Notes

1the moving company? eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • West London

    Hammersmith, London, England
    RG's name for Hammersmith Hospital where Jenny Nicholson underwent surgery eds.

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Jenny

    Nicholson, Jenny
    Jenny Nicholson: oldest daughter of Robert by Nancy Nicholson.
  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.

Organizations Mentioned

  • Jonathan Cape Ltd.

    Jonathan Cape
    London publisher of Lawrence and the Arabs, Good-Bye to All That, No Decency Left, etc. eds.
  • A.S. Watt & Son, Ltd.

    Watt, A.S.
    RG's literary agent: first mentioned in November, 1935; team includes: Alexander Strahan Watt, and W.P. Watt et al, who may have handled different aspects of Graves' extensive European publishing and distribution. The firm replaced Eric Pinker. K.G. When did Pinker go, and why? KG
  • Harrod's

    London department store eds.


    • Title: The Exile [poem]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London & Deyá
    • Publisher: Constable & Seizin Press
    • BiblScope: 164-169
    • Idno: B25
    • Date: 1937
    • Title: Claudius Film Version [The Fool of Rome] [a condensed novel based on I, Claudius]
    • Author: Graves, Robert