Nov 5 Tuesday.

Replied to Korda.
"London difficult impossible[RG] Majorca impossible difficult[RG]; cannot decide unless know probable length of brother's visit and retinue also couldn't honourably[RG] undertake unless Liddell Hart reinvited, Sassoon resigns, best regards from Laura Riding & self."
Letters to H.S. [Harrison Smith] about Richards, & about Claudius & about sending money to England; to Arthurby, to Richards, to A.G. etc. Worked on Lars Porsena.
Bathed. Laura & James for a walk. Karl finished typing A.F.G. [Almost Forgotten Germany]
Seizin Prospectuses came.
Completed my work on A.F.G. [Almost Forgotten Germany] — until next time.
First fire in new Mesquida stove.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Mesquida

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    The dining room in Canellun was called the Mesquida after a painting hanging in it. WG
  • Majorca/ Mallorca

    Majorca, Sp
    Largest of the Balearic Islands, located in the Mediterranean Sea off the eastern coast of Spain. R.G. and L.R. lived there, in Deyá, from 1929-1936. eds

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • James

    Reeves, James
    Schoolmaster, writer and Poet. Friend of Jacob Bronowski. W.G./ K.G.; m. to Mary Phillips; daughter Stella born June 14, 1938 eds.
  • Richards

    Richards, Frank
    Author of Old Soldiers Never Die and Old Soldier Sahib which R.G. rewrote for him. Was in The Royal Welch Fusiliers, R.G.'s regiment. eds.; Birth name is Francis Phillip Woodruff eds. see Diary September 27, 1936
  • Korda

    Korda, Alexander
    Director of the film version of I Claudius.
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • Siegfried Sassoon

    Sassoon, Siegfried
    Poet and former close friend from the trenches. WG
  • A.B.


    Barker, Arthur
    Owner and director of Arthur Barker Ltd., the English publisher of I, Claudius and Claudius the God. Arthurby was L.R.'s nickname for him.
  • A.G. (A.E.S.G)

    Graves, Amy
    Amy Graves, RG's Mother. WG

Organizations Mentioned

  • Seizin Press

    Founded when Robert Graves and Laura Riding began their partnership in London. R.G. and L.R. continued to operate their own press in Deyá, but stopped printing in 1935. Seizin Press published a number of literary works in conjunction with Constable in London, including the Epilogue series, and other works by Laura Riding and their literary associates. eds
  • Harrison Smith and Robert Haas

    R.G.'s American publisher for I, Claudius and Claudius the God. eds.


    • Title: Lars Porsena or The Future of Swearing and Improper Language [2nd rev. edition]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London
    • Publisher: Kegan Paul
    • Idno: A21c
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: Almost Forgotten Germany [Almost Forgotten Times]
    • Author: Schwarz, Georg
    • Editor: Trans. Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: A45
    • Date: 1936