Enclosure – Letter from Sam Graves
Aug. 11
My dearest Father,
How are you? I am so glad that you
are safe from the Spanish Civil [sic: Cival] War. The newspapers simply buzz about it.
I was ×××× [crossed out]
very interested when I was told that you were brought here by a destroyer.
I am just as keen to see you as you
to see us! There is a wheat shortage here and the
prices for bread are rising higher, about 2d1 more.
We have changed quite a lot that I am
afraid you will not recognise us very easily!
Editorial Notes
1tuppence eds.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction of enclosure
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
England -
Sutton Veny, Wiltshire, EnglandNancy Nicholson (R.G.'s ex-wife)'s home, where she and Geoffrey Phibbs founded Poulk Press. eds. -
Sutton Veny
Wiltshire, ENGLThe village where Nancy Nicholson lived. WG -
Warminster, Wiltshire, England -
Wiltshire, Englandlocation of Sutton Veny, Nancy Nicholson's home with Geoffrey Phibbs eds. -
Harlech, North Wales, Great BritainThe location of the Graves family home, called "Erinfa."
People Mentioned
Graves, SamuelR.G.'s youngest child by Nancy Nicholson. C.P.& WG
Organizations Mentioned
Editors of the Graves Diary Project.