Saturday Sept 21

Went over typed review & sent off.
Three more drafts of Gulls & Such.
Read Laura's version of W.Hutch's Photography article. Rosa came.
Letter from Cape: £40 con amore placed in my bank for 2/- L.& A [Lawrence and the Arabs]. Wrote to him, confidentially mentioning the L.H. [Liddell-Hart] idea.
Part of A.F.T. [Almost Forgotten Times] Chapter XXX. Attempt to get Alice's kittens by locking her in & then releasing her: but she won. Sea (Cala)[RG]first time for a long time. Copies of Itla[RG] Italian Io Claudio1.
Hutchinsons to supper.
(Bisontes2 at 1.50pts.).
Laura went over Photography with him3 (two hours) while she4 Karl & I went to the village. Clock in position.5 Heard news of Italy's rejection of Terms of 5 powers. Played dice for 2 centimos6 stakes.
Laura & I walked to Lluchalcari home with them: Nicholas7 so tired on way home that he had to be carried.

Editorial Notes

1Mondadori [publishers?] KG
2a brand of Spanish cigarettes. KG
5Clock RG purchased for the Sala? See Sept.20th entry. eds
61/100th peseta. WG
7Laura's tom-cat. KG

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Concordia

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    Salón Concordia. Gelat's café. Variously refered to as the Sala or the Salón. The village youths had shares in it. It was later called the Salón Deportivo. WG
  • Cala

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    Deyá's fishing cove. This is the cove near Canellun that RG refers to as "the Cala" in his diary. Eds/ WG
  • Llucalcari

    Llucalcari, Majorca, Sp
    Hamlet with hotel some three kilometres from Deyá on the way to Soller. WG. RG spells it "Lluchalcari" in the Diary.

People Mentioned

  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.
  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Ward

    Hutchinson, Ward
    Photographer. Contibuted to"Epilogue." W.G. R.G. often refers to "the Hutchinsons" (Ward & Dorothy) as a couple especially when they were staying on the island. eds.
  • Dorothy

    Hutchinson, Dorothy
    Ward Hutchinson's wife. WG
  • Rosa

    Dress maker. Also made cushions, seat covers, etc. WG
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.

Organizations Mentioned

  • Jonathan Cape Ltd.

    Jonathan Cape
    London publisher of Lawrence and the Arabs, Good-Bye to All That, No Decency Left, etc. eds.


    • Title: Almost Forgotten Germany [Almost Forgotten Times]
    • Author: Schwarz, Georg
    • Editor: Trans. Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: A45
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: Gulls and Men [poem: formerly "Gulls and Such"; see Complete Poems, Vol. II, p. 337, and note on "Fragment of a Lost Poem", p.313. DW]
    • Title: Collected Poems (1914-1947)
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London,Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell
    • Idno: A60
    • Date: 1948
    • Title: Photography
    • Title: Epilogue I, 1935
    • Author: Hutchinson, Ward
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Date: 1935
    • Title: Lawrence and the Arabs
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London
    • Publisher: Jonathon Cape
    • Idno: A26
    • Date: 1927
    • Title: Io Claudio [Italian translation of I, Claudius]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Publisher: Mondadori [?]
    • Date: 1935