Work continues on Almost Forgotten Times and Old Soldier Sahib. Graves also does "Poets" and his Focus contribution. Liddell-Hart writes with good news: he agrees to Graves' plan to collaborate on the T. E. Lawrence book. The two exchange letters to discuss the timing of the project, and Liddell-Hart offers to run the idea past Lawrence's brother.1 Graves drafts several poems, including "Labyrinth," "Gulls and Such" (later "Gulls and Men") and "A Note on Natural Affections."
This month Joän Junyer introduces Graves and Riding to Dorothy and Ward Hutchinson. Ward Hutchinson agrees to write an article on photography for Epilogue, and Riding writes to him about his poems, which she does not find particularly original or note-worthy (writes Graves, "she only found two short sequences of poetry which were all right in his book. The rest merely traditional, or ornate"). Despite Riding's unfavourable critique of his poetry, Hutchinson finishes the Epilogue article, which is sent off to the printer.
In the meantime, Riding continues to struggle with A Trojan Ending, and Graves reviews Sulamith Ish-Kishor's Magnificent Hadrian for the Observer, pronouncing it "wretched stuff."
Graves is pleased about his renewed contact with family. His children write to thank Riding for her gift of £12 each. Graves notes a difference in the children's tone since "the Devil" (Nancy Nicholson's lover, Geoffrey Phibbs) has left and married another woman. Graves writes back to the children and sends Nancy £150. Graves also writes to his brother John, indicating his hope that David will travel before he enters Oxford. Later he is clearly irritated by David's preference for Cambridge, apparently encouraged by Nancy Nicholson's comment that "much the nicest people" go there. Graves also hears from Honor Wyatt, who writes to tell Graves and Riding she won't be returning to Deyá this year after all.
This month Graves and Riding purchase the rights to a spring from Bernardo Colom and begin constructing a shed at C'an Torrent, Norman Cameron's former residence, which they had purchased earlier. Renovations to the Posada continue.

Editorial Notes

2one pound eds.

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • Deyá

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    Town located on the northwest coast of Majorca, on the hillside between the Teix Mountains and the sea: this was RG's home with Laura Riding from 1929 to 1936. He returned there with his family after WW II. Eds.
  • Can Torrent

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    House next to Canellun also belonging to LR & RG. Built by Norman Cameron. WG
  • Posada, La

    Deyá, Majorca, Sp
    House on the Puig next to Deyá church. Originally part of the Es Molí property. It had been rented by the church for Sunday school. RG and LR bought it in February, 1935, to use as a guest house for their visitors. WG, eds.

People Mentioned

  • Robert

    Graves, Robert
    [1st person]. (1895-1985). Poet, novelist, essayist, critic, and author of his diary. eds.
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • T.E.

    Lawrence, T. E.
    'Lawrence of Arabia.' Met Robert in Oxford in the early twenties. Made Robert his biographer and had him write "Lawrence and the Arabs." WG
  • Arnie

    Lawrence, A.W. (Arnie)
    T.E. Lawrence's brother and executor. WG
  • Joän

    Junyer, Joän
    Nephew of Sebastian Junyer. Also a good painter. W.G.; Deaf-mute Catalan painter, ex-pupil of Picasso's, who lived in his uncle's house in Lluch Alcari [Llucalcari]. K.G.; introduced Ward and Dorothy Hutchinson to RG & LR in 1935 eds.
  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Dorothy

    Hutchinson, Dorothy
    Ward Hutchinson's wife. WG
  • Ward

    Hutchinson, Ward
    Photographer. Contibuted to"Epilogue." W.G. R.G. often refers to "the Hutchinsons" (Ward & Dorothy) as a couple especially when they were staying on the island. eds.
  • Nancy

    Nicholson, Nancy
    (1899-1977) First wife of Robert Graves; married 1918, separated 1927, divorced 1949. eds.
  • Geoffrey Phibbs

    Taylor (formerly Phibbs), Geoffrey
    Came from Ireland to join the Graves/Riding circle in London (1929): became involved in a relationship foursome with R.G., L.R .and N.N. which resulted in a crisis and LR's dramatic suicide attempt. Lived with Nancy Nicholson and RG's children for several years. RG and LR also referred to him as the Devil. RPG
  • John

    Graves, John
    R.G.'s brother. Visited R.G. & L.R. in 1934 with R.G.'s mother. WG
  • David

    Graves, David
    R.G.'s second child [by Nancy Nicholson]. W.G. In RAF; killed in the war. The only one of Graves' children who might have become a poet had he lived. K.G., eds.
  • Honor

    Wyatt, Honor
    Journalist. Arrived in Deyá fortuitously. Married to Gordon Glover...Son Julian. W.G. First acquainted with R.G. and L.R. early in 1934; returned to visit in 1935; continued friendship in England. eds (RPG 211).
  • Bernardo

    Colom, Bernardo
    Ex Cuban, previous owner of 'Son Canals', and former owner of 'Luna land' (on the other side of the road) cf. Married to a Cuban lady. Sons: Marcos (married to Gelat's daughter Magdalena) and Pancho. KG & WG
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Graves, Robert
    Author of the diary.
  • Graves, William
    Son of Robert and Beryl Graves. Helped to identify names, places and titles in Deya (1935-1936) and with translations and other references in three ways. He left an annotated printout of the first six months of the diary in the Graves Trust Room at St. John's College, Oxford. He also sent Chris Petter an Excel file with a list identifying names and places, principally in the Majorcan sections of the diary, and a glossary of Spanish terms. Finally he has sent the editors answers in response to reference questions. Notes by William Graves are identified with the initials WG.
  • RPG
    Unidentified person; possibly a misspelling of Robert Percival Graves (whose initials on this project are RG).

Organizations Mentioned

  • Editors

    Editors of the Graves Diary Project.


    • Title: Almost Forgotten Germany [Almost Forgotten Times]
    • Author: Schwarz, Georg
    • Editor: Trans. Graves, Robert/ Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: A45
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: Old Soldier Sahib
    • Author: Richards, Frank
    • Editor: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London, New York
    • Publisher: Faber & Faber; Harrison Smith & Robert Haas
    • Idno: A44
    • Date: 1936
    • Title: Poets [prose]
    • Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding Laura
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • Title: Focus I, II, III, IV [newsletter]
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá
    • Publisher: Seizin
    • Date: 1935
    • Title: Gulls and Men [poem: formerly "Gulls and Such"; see Complete Poems, Vol. II, p. 337, and note on "Fragment of a Lost Poem", p.313. DW]
    • Title: Collected Poems (1914-1947)
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London,Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell
    • Idno: A60
    • Date: 1948
    • Title: Note on the Natural Affections, A [poem: unpublished? see diary note Sept. 22, 1935]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Date: 1935-09-22
    • Title: Epilogue I: A Critical Summary
    • Editor: Riding. Laura/ Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Idno: B22
    • Date: 1935
    • Title: Trojan Ending, A [novel]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Date: 1937
    • Title: Observer, the
    • PubPlace: London
    • Date: 1791-