Tuesday July 2.
To Posada. Only two masons working, two boys, 1 man whitewashing. Also all the water in the
well used – a[RG]boys bailing it out with[RG] from inside.
Came back & told Laura.
Gelat brings gravel from Can Medo. Undertakes to see that Pepé keeps his promise. Tells of Carindo's secret visit: the médico complains that he has been deserted. Gelat suggests demands to be made which he will grant: e.g. water by day not night for
Son Morantes (more convenient to him), offer on behalf of Ca'n Malric [sic: Can Malrich] to contribute 200 pes
[pesetas] to making siqui1 – just so that the Doctor appears to have gained something: the last prize in a competition,
says Gelat.
Schw. stuff all evening.
Wrote to
A.G. & to Margaret Russell, with photographs.
Editorial Notes
1canal. KG
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
Posada, La
Deyá, Majorca, SpHouse on the Puig next to Deyá church. Originally part of the Es Molí property. It had been rented by the church for Sunday school. RG and LR bought it in February, 1935, to use as a guest house for their visitors. WG, eds. -
Ca'n Madó
Majorca, SpOld flour mill, on the road to Palma, converted into a hydro-electric plant by Gelat. Laura bought him a generator. Part of the orchard was bought by LR & RG. WG -
Son Morantes
Majorca, SpFarm ? WG -
Ca'n Malric
Deyá, Majorca, SpLand on the way to the Cala by LR & RG's road. Robert had access to its fruit. Was it the name of the land he owned? WG
People Mentioned
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Schwarz, GeorgGerman Jew. Deyá neighbour. Antique dealer. Lived with Frau Emmy Strenge, his house keeper, in Can Caballo some hundred yards from Canellun. RG and LR translated his "Almost Forgotten Germany." WG -
Salas, JoséMaster builder. Built Canellun. Pepe is a diminutive of José. WG -
Más, Juan MarroigJuan Marroig Mas, called Gelat: Landowner on Deyá and friend of Robert Graves and Laura Riding (L.R. & R.G.'s factotum. W.G.) -
CarindoName? broke ranks with the doctor. Semenéte de Ca'n Carindo ? -
Vives, Antonio Dr.The village doctor (Deyá). At odds with Gelat (water rights controversy). His brother, Juan Vives, was Gelat's son-in-law. WG -
A.G. (A.E.S.G)
Graves, AmyAmy Graves, RG's Mother. WG -
Russell, MargaretHouse-keeper L.R. & R.G. had had in London. WG