Nov 4 Friday
Laura up to 4.30 last night, 3 the night before, 3 night
Dorothy, Beryl, Alan to Rennes. Dorothy to buy carving wood – no success. The others
bought household things – took in my watch, Laura's
green Majorcan brooch & my Marnius Aquellius brooch to repair.
Copied out and revised dictionary lists.
Marie polishing all the floors – first time since
we came here that this was really well done – & brass & windows also
Went to Montauban in the car that had brought Dorothy's carving bench – both drunk. The driver made
very cautious & correct by drink his
1 gloriously elevated.
Ordered new mattress & pillows.[RG]
Editorial Notes
1friend eds.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
Places Mentioned
Montauban-de-la-Bretagne, Brittany, France -
Rennes, Francewhere Gelat's daughter, Anita, and son-in-law, Juan Vives live; visited by RG and LR et al in 1938 eds.
People Mentioned
Hodge, AlanOxford history graduate. Became close friends with LR & RG. First husband of Beryl Graves. CP & WG -
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Simmons, DorothySculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds -
Marieservant at La Chevrie eds. -
Pritchard, Beryldaughter of Harry and Amy Pritchard, R.G.'s second wife. Formerly married to Alan Hodge. Robert and Beryl had four children: William, Lucia, Juan and Tomas. eds
- Title: Dictionary [projected project; unfinished]
- Author: Riding, Laura
- Date: 1935