July 29 Friday.

Getting Norman's room ready.
Bees still crawling about in dining-room & Laura's work room. Menuisier1 did lavatory, meat- [sic: ,]safe, balcony & wire-netting in room on stairs. I stored away trunks. Modeste getting rather a trial.
Laura went over a number of my poems & I worked over them all day.
A bath in the child's bath – first one for a month, only washing in basins – clean white clothes.
New moon; and walk all 5 of us down a lane toward Montfort at dusk.
Hot day.
Dorothy got clay for modelling.
Laura got a fairly good day's work done on Aristotle2.

Editorial Notes

1 "carpenters" eds.

Hands Referenced

Places Mentioned

  • Montfort

    Monfort, Brittany, France

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Modeste

    Dreuxlin, Modeste
    cook and house maid at La Chevrie, France eds.
  • Dorothy

    Simmons, Dorothy
    Sculptor associated with the Graves-Riding inner circle (1938-39). Married to Montague Simmons. eds


    • Title: Lives of Wives [prose]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell and Co. Ltd.
    • Idno: A39
    • Date: 1939