March 24 Thursday

Three drafts of a poem about Doing Nothing.
Across the park to Mr Mills in search of a gift for Julian: but we will keep what I got – an 18th century English carillon of 8 bells (silver-brass)1 on a Sussex iron stand. (7/62)
Established a second flower-&bead &-marble-jar and found covers for both at Mr Mills' – a pair of Royal Staffordshire blue Pekin little plates. Laura worked with Len.
Bridget & Norman to supper
(Laura made a new dish – turnip & strawberry)[RG]
Then George & Mary Buchanan and Sally: talk about moral-protocols.
Chamberlain's equivocal foreign policy speech.

Editorial Notes

1musical instrument eds.
27 shillings, sixpence eds.

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

People Mentioned

  • Mills

    Mills, Mr.
    an antique seller and friend of RG, and contributor to the Covenant of Literary Morality eds.; of Paddington Street, Marylebone KG
  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Norman Cameron

    Cameron, Norman
    Poet. Built Can Torrent in 1932-1933. W.G.; m. to Elfriede, then to Catherine Vandervelde; friend and contributor to LR and RG's work eds.
  • Len

    Lye, Len
    New Zealand painter, sculptor, and filmmaker whom LR & RG had met in London. He helped with the Seizin Press publications. WG; married to Jane Lye, son Bix. eds.
  • Sally

    Graves, Sally
    R.G.'s niece. Daughter of his half-brother Philip. KG
  • Chamberlain

    Chamberlain, Neville
    (1869-1940) British Prime Minister in the 1930s; m. to Anne Chamberlain née Cole eds.
  • Julian

    Glover, Julian
    Honor & Gordon's baby. WG
  • Bridget

    London milliner, with Aage Tharup's KG
  • George Buchanan

    Buchanan, George
    drama critic KG; friend of RG and contributor to the World and Ourselves; wife Mary eds. Friedmann 307-8
  • Mary Buchanan

    Buchanan, Mary
    m. to George Buchanan eds.


    • Title: Idle Hands [poem; was Doing Nothing & I Did Nothing eds.]
    • Title: Collected Poems [1938]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • PubPlace: London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney
    • Publisher: Cassell
    • Idno: A48
    • Date: 1938-03-24