Jan 23 Sunday.

Did housework in morning
Belisarius complete to ch [chapter] 11 inclusive – Laura takes 2 ¼ hours to correct, I 4 hours to adopt her corrections for each chapter.
Lunch with Alix & Harry – good.
Karl brought presents: 10 silver lustre buttons for Laura and a blue glass toilet bottle and for me a watch-case to stand on my table – it fitted L's watch not mine.
Supper to Maisie's – Tanny Brown too – in his flat now rearranged. Maisie gave Laura a large Elizabethan stage-ring – silver-glass backed with ruby foil. A row: Laura spoke sharply about the way M. treated her 'talk' about poetry, M. was hurt. ×××× [indecipherable] [RG] Solace1 came out with us to lunch & supper.

Editorial Notes

1Graves' cat eds.