July 21 Wednesday
Reading Procopius2.
To Dentist who alleviated somewhat but I am to expect pain for a day or two yet until
the root of the tooth eases out. Back by bus.[RG]
Harry now practically always wins at marbles: I have no patience (or perhaps toothache).
Cataphracts3 now in order and have discarded A Wounded Man. Slight alterations to other poems. Rewrote 'The Stake'.[RG]
Laura finishing preface to Letter Book.
Peroxide treatment of tooth.
Editorial Notes
1i.e. Veganin, another pain killer, see July 26, 1937 eds.
2i.e.The Secret History of Procopius by Procopius, of Caesarea. New York: Covici Fiede, 1934. eds.
3see July 20th entry. eds.
Hands Referenced
- Annotation: ink correction
- Character: regular
- Ink: black
People Mentioned
Riding, Laura(1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk). -
Harry Kemp
Kemp, HarryPoet. Met Graves and Riding through James Reeves in August 1936, just after their arrival in England. In their previous correspondence, Riding had been intrigued by his falling-out with Communism. He became associated with their circle, collaborating on various projects. (RPG 248-49)
- Title: Letter Book [became The World and Ourselves]
- Editor: Riding, Laura
- Title: Cataphracts [poem] [the initial title on drafts of "The Cuirassiers of the Frontier". See Complete Poems, Vol. II, pp. 80-81, and p. 311 (note and footnote). DW]
- Author: Graves, Robert
- Date: 1937-07-20
- Title: The Wounded Man [poem; discarded according to RPG (p. 270); Not traced. Apparently not published. DW]
- Author: Graves, Robert
- Date: 1937-03-31
- Title: Stake, The [poem; revised July 1937 eds.]
- Title: Pier-Glass, The [1921]
- Author: Graves, Robert
- PubPlace: London
- Publisher: Matin Secker
- Idno: A6
- Date: 1921