Dec 22. Sunday.

Cleared up T.E. document situation, sorting out letters for L.H. [Liddell Hart] to be sent on to Arnie. Went over Lies about Lawrence typescript, etc.
Laura not at all well (appendicitis pains) & tired by work in kitchen. She is going over the Poets stuff.
Walked with Karl to Lluchalcari: he is depressed by Honor not coming.
Warm winds, cloud on mountain.
Filed in Worter:[RG] Wrote a rhyme about Dogs. Focus? Laura rearranged Troy with Karl.
Fixed American cloth over fugons1 in kitchen.

Editorial Notes

1charcoal fires. KG

Hands Referenced

    • Annotation: ink correction
    • Character: regular
    • Ink: black

Places Mentioned

  • Llucalcari

    Llucalcari, Majorca, Sp
    Hamlet with hotel some three kilometres from Deyá on the way to Soller. WG. RG spells it "Lluchalcari" in the Diary.

People Mentioned

  • Laura

    Riding, Laura
    (1901-91) American poet. Laura Riding (née Reichenthal; then Laura Gottschalk).
  • Karl/Carl

    Goldschmidt, Karl
    Karl Goldschmidt, later Kenneth Gay: Graphic artist, friend and secretary of Robert Graves and Laura Riding since 1934. R. G. spells both as Carl and Karl.
  • Liddell Hart

    Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil
    War-fare expert and friend of T.E. Lawrence. Collaborated with RG on a book of T.E.L'.s letters, published in 1938. See RPG p.231. WG & Eds.
  • T.E.

    Lawrence, T. E.
    'Lawrence of Arabia.' Met Robert in Oxford in the early twenties. Made Robert his biographer and had him write "Lawrence and the Arabs." WG
  • Arnie

    Lawrence, A.W. (Arnie)
    T.E. Lawrence's brother and executor. WG
  • Honor

    Wyatt, Honor
    Journalist. Arrived in Deyá fortuitously. Married to Gordon Glover...Son Julian. W.G. First acquainted with R.G. and L.R. early in 1934; returned to visit in 1935; continued friendship in England. eds (RPG 211).


    • Title: Focus I, II, III, IV [newsletter]
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá
    • Publisher: Seizin
    • Date: 1935
    • Title: Trojan Ending, A [novel]
    • Author: Riding, Laura
    • PubPlace: Deyá & London
    • Publisher: Seizin & Constable
    • Date: 1937
    • Title: Poets [prose]
    • Author: Graves, Robert/ Riding Laura
    • Editor: Riding, Laura
    • Title: Lies About Lawrence [RG contribution to?]
    • Author: Graves, Robert
    • Title: Dogs [a rhyme] [not traced. Apparently not published. D.W.]
    • Author: Graves, Robert